Tuesday, April 24, 2012

 Alain de Botton and the Crisis of Atheist Irrelevance.

The foremost atheist Philosopher of our age recently
launched his new book "Religion for Atheists" and
no atheists are interested in talking about it,
including all the ones who eagerly embraced Dawkin's
even more enthusiastic endorsement of atheist Gods he claims
'came into being'(sic)

From his book Launch:

"A few years ago it struck me that there is a resource
that is a provider of Wisdom, and consolation,
and an ethical framework, and it's rather fascinating and
has dominated the mental landscape of human beings for thousands of years
I'm thinking, of course, of religion.

And the problem is, I'm an atheist."
     Yes, that's certainly a problem for any atheist!   B^D

     or for anyone living in any of the atheist regimes they ran! B^[

"Not just a bit of an atheist, I really am an atheist."

     You make it sound like you expect people not to believe atheists! 


"So, this doesn't, in a way, make me an ideal cantidate to write
about religion, but at some point it did strike me that religions
cannot be, in the words of Christopher Hitchins, "the source of
the poison of everything", it's implausible, they've been around
for thousands of years, they reflect the collaborative intelligences
and sensitivities of millions of people and the idea that everything
to do with them is false and wicked just didn't start to stand up to
the scrutiny I applied to it, as I thought more about the subject.

So, that's really the fruit of my thinking"

   We he have one of the most prominent atheist thinkers admitting
   that religion is really the source of so so many good and useful
   contributions to civilisation that Hitchin's malicious lies just
   don't stand up..!   8^o  and as atheism is devoid of anything
   worthwhile itself, it needs to STEAL some of the many great ideas
   religion has to offer:         8^o

         Astonishing admissions, no wonder global atheism has
         fallen SILENT!

" my new book,Religion for Atheists is a deliberate attempt
  to look at a number of areas where I believe that religions
  have things to offer for non-believers"

       Sure,  Truth, Love, Compassion, Justice, Sincerity, Charity,
       Mercy, Courage, Integrity..
       all the virtues atheism lacks, and doesn't even understand, all
       the spiritual values that USENET atheists reject completely...

# From: Budikka666
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion,alt.religion.christian,alt.agnosticism
# Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 03:38:16 -0800 (PST)
# Message-ID:
# You can keep your spiritual values. 
# I'll piss on them and pass on them.
# Budikka

" ..and perhaps believers know about these things already,
    but for non-believers I wanted to look at that."

"It strikes me that at the moment the world is really divided into
believers and non-believers and the debate has become at 

times very fierce, there are people, some of whom live in 
North Oxford who have suggested not only that religion is 
unbelievable but also that it's ridiculous, and that people who 
believe in anything are simpletons, maniacs  .. people who 
must be lectured at, to remove the folly of their intellectual errors."

   We all know the "person from North Oxford" he's criticising for
   being such an arrogant, rabid demagogue with extreme views, is
   Richard Dawkins            B^]

"That's not really my approach, I think such an approach is sterile,
I don't think one makes progress"

   True, Dawkins extreme militancy and all the money spent on Bus
   ad lies to proselytise for new atheist converts never worked! 

"It doesn't strike me that this is really a productive way
to go forward."

   Mate, I have been telling the dimwitted Dawkinite Drones that
   for YEARS now!   But they are completely blind to reason!  B^D 

" How do you live a good life outside of a religious structure?

   Well that's silly, when the good life you want to emulate
   exists WITHIN that moral framework and they claim that the 

   SPIRITUAL  values are what brings life to the attempts at

   It's like you want the Light from a lightbulb, using only
   the physical MATTER, not the invisible, electromagnetic

   It's been tried in EVERY atheist state and it failed!   B^]

   The Union of Savage Slaughter and Repression(USSR),
   Mao's Great Leap Bckward and the Cultural Devolution,
   Pol Pot's Year Zero Cambodian Genocide, all were
   totalitarian tyrannies which terrorised tortured and killed over
   80,000,000 people, far more than ANY religion in history,
   all promised a Utopia 'freed of religion' which they repressed,
   (China reformed it's  constitution in 1982, allowing greater
     freedom of thought and belief, and their society has
     transformed into a powerhouse, with 300,000,000 new
     believers, unthinkable during the Gang of Four)

   How can these atheist 'thinkers' be so dumb? 

"This is THE question facing modern society, and we haven't
necessarily answered it that well."

   You atheists have NEVER answered it, B^D  but the majority
   religious societies that you want to emulate clearly have!   B^]

   All the free, open, pluralist, progressive, prosperous secular
   democracies have been built by Majority Religious societies,
   the USA "In God we Trust", Europe, Australia, Indonesia,
   India et al
   ... no atheist state has ever produced a decent democracy!

    Why not? 

"I think it's a legitimate question and my book is an
attempt to answer that question."

   Sure, the hilarious part is that you think atheism needs
   to copy religion ...because it HAS the answer already!!!!  


   Justas Dawkins has attempted to plagiarise when he
   suggests atheist God's 'evolving!  8^o

# 'In one essay, Professor Dyson casts millions of speculative
# years into the future. Our galaxy is dying and humans have
# evolved into something like bolts of superpowerful intelligent
# and moral energy.
# Doesn’t that description sound an awful lot like God?
# "Certainly," Professor Dawkins replies. "It’s highly plausible
# that in the universe there are God-like creatures."
# He raises his hand, just in case a reader thinks he’s gone
# around a  religious bend. "It’s very important to understand
# that these Gods came into being by an explicable scientific
# progression of  incremental evolution."'


  So, One leading atheist now thinks God is Plausible,
  and another wants to steal ideas from religion!   8^o

   Dawkins is copying the BELIEF in Supernatural Beings,
   i.e. they are FABRICATING GODS to WORSHIP!  (Just
   like every atheist tyranny tried to do with political cultism ;-) 

    Whereas De Botton wants to steal the PRAXIS of religion:    B^D

"My starting point is to say that we should learn to STEAL from


   Priceless!   The starting point for Atheist 'philosophy' is
   that having no ideas of their own the unoriginal atheists
   need to pinch the ideas of the more successful, ..religious!


"you know some people have accused me of advocating a
'pick and mix'approach to religions, and I say you know what? 
you're absolutely right, that's completely what I'm doing,
a pick and mix approach.

Some people have said  'religion's are not a buffet, from which
you can go round choosing the best bits', and my answer is yes they are.
And that's precidsely what I'm doing.  So i've taken my plate,
and I've gone round the different faiths, and I've done precisely that."

    -  Alain de Botton, Lanching his new Book, Religion for Atheists
                        The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne  19/3/2012
